Official opening of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg


Borhene Chakroun, Chief of the TVET Section UNESCO-Paris, symbolically hands over the sign of the new UNEVOC Centre TVET for Sustainabale Development to Dr. Harry Stolte, InWEnt; Photo: Rayk Weber

In an official launching ceremony in the City Hall on September 16th 2010, the new „UNEVOC Centre TVET for Sustainable Development“ Magdeburg was opened. As sustainable development processes become ever more complex, the three Magdeburg institutions InWEnt gGmbH, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF reached a cooperation agree-ment with the aim of combining their competences and jointly working towards “Education for Sustainable Development” in the new UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre.

Already in 2009, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre Bonn accepted the motion of the above-mentioned consortium to be accredited as UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre. Besides the Federal Institute for Vo-cational Education and Training (BIBB), the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg is now another German member of the worldwide network of 280 UNESCO-UNEVOC Centres that are located in 166 UNESCO member states.
Current focuses of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg include:
- TVET and sustainable development
- The development of education and training concepts for TVET teaching staff
- The development of TVET teaching and learning materials 
- In-Company Human Resources Development
- The development of innovative learning environments for vocational education and training


InWEnt Director Bernd Schleich discussing with the vice-president of the German UNESCO-Commission, Prof. Christian Wulf; Foto: Rayk Weber

In their opening speeches, representatives of the three institutions of the UNEVOC Centre, the vice presi-dent of the German UNESCO Commission Prof. Christoph Wulf, the Chief of the TVET section of UNESCO-Paris, Borhene Chakroun, the project director of UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre Bonn, Naing Yee Mar, Rainer Nitsche on behalf of the Lord Mayor of Magdeburg and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economics and Labour Saxony-Anhalt, Detlef Schubert, appreciated the establishment of the UNEVOC Centre “TVET for Sustainable Development” from different points of view.
In addition, about 50 international TVET experts from Asia, the USA, Africa and Europe participated in the ceremony and attended a number of workshops and symposia that took place within a special action week of the UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg.

Bernd Schleich, the Director of InWEnt, expressed his expectations that against the background of the up-coming merger of InWEnt, GTZ and the DED the UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg will be able to provide sig-nificant stimuli for further international cooperation in TVET and yield excellent results.


Letzte Änderung: 19.06.2019 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster