TVET Academy
International Master’s Programme in TVET (IMP-TVET)
TVET has a central significance for the organization and the design of school-to-work-transition and forms an important basis for life-long learning. The professionalism of TVET teachers is crucial to ensure that graduates are adequately prepared for their occupational work and careers and that the thresholds between the education in schools and vocational training as well as between vocational training and the em- ployment system are kept low. Within international competi- tion, the quality of vocational initial and further training has become an important factor, above all in countries facing actual challenges in adjusting economic and employment systems. The strengthening of pedagogical, technical and managerial competences of TVET personnel and the perma- nent modernization of its qualification has been embedded as a focus topic in the global agenda for sustainable develop- ment.
Specifically actual requirements resulting from so called “Digital and Green Transformation” drive demands for a de- velopment of adequate future oriented competences of TVET teaching and management personnel which must be able to act, manage and lead in complex processes of TVET practice, planning and development. These requirements need to be addressed by work and business process orientation, context-oriented learning and shall be safeguarded by an adequate future-oriented qualification of TVET teaching, management and planning personnel.
The IMP-TVET is tailored to above described dimensions and demands for international TVET professionals from educational institutions such as vocational schools, companies, and universities, and as well ministries, chambers, and associations. This international oriented programme is designed demand-oriented in an online-learning format.
Experts accompany the students during the entire study programme and support them in their professionalization and competence development. The Programme is in Cooperation with the GIZ TVET Academy.