Mongolia strives for strategic initial TVET teacher training
National and international debates on ensuring quality in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems are largely driven by the key role of competent TVET teaching personnel.
Institutionalization of pre- and in-service training for Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers – key element for improvement of quality and performance of VET in Moldova
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (MoECR) of the Republic Moldova acknowledged that the quality of Teachers in vocational education and training is a key pillar for implementing high quality training appropriate to address the demand of the business sector in human resource development as a core element for enterprise and employment development.
Strategic Cooperation with Korea in the field of TVET
Last week on 15 January, the GIZ unit Human Capacity Development (HCD) in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Magdeburg, Germany, received guests from the Korean counterpart institution - the Human Resources Development Service (HRD) of Korea to discuss about options for joint activities in 2019.
International development cooperation activities and a fruitful contact between both sides have been going on since a couple of years and were underlined (in March 2014) by the agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding to work jointly on within measures for competence development for partner countries. One example of prior activities was the cooperative development and implementation of an International Leadership Training for “Greening of TVET” for TVET professionals from ASEAN countries.
HRD Korea as well as GIZ AIZ Magdeburg are mandated as UNEVOC Centres and intend to strengthen collaboration and knowledge as well as experience and resources sharing among stakeholders of development cooperation in order to attain a greater impact of sustainable development in TVET and reach a wider target group, especially in ASEAN countries.
Both sides expressed their intention to continue the fruitful collaboration and in particular to develop ideas for measures to be realized in 2019. Suggestions range from training for master trainers in ASEAN countries, a joint workshop for other UNEVOC Centres, possibly on the topic of harnessing digital solutions in TVET, as well as a capacity development workshop in Germany for TVET stakeholders of Korea. The two UNEVOC Centres agreed to further precise their ideas and to involve among others the UNEVOC International Centre for TVET, which functions as overarching institution for all UNEVOC Centres worldwide.
GIZ/UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg embraced the proposals and confirmed to bring in corresponding expertise. HRD Korea will provide own intellectual capacities, resources and preliminary funds for the realization of activities, however both organisations want to reach out to other interested co-financing cooperation development partners.
International Experts Meeting
January 16-17, 2019, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 1 (Virtual Training and Development Center) in 39106 Magdeburg
In the digital era, working and business processes as a whole will increasingly be influenced by diverse dynamic changes.
A remarkable share of the population in many countries worldwide are employed in the informal economy. This target group is likewise affected by these dynamic developments: the technological transition influences qualification requirements of numerous workers and entails corresponding change processes for technical vocational education and training (TVET) systems.
- Which qualification requirements match the demands of tomorrow’s world of work?
- How does the informal economy respond to the technological transition in partner countries of the development cooperation and which opportunities and/or challenges are coinciding with that?
- Which interventions in the frame of TVET and targeted to employees of the informal economy can be utilized to address specific emerging requirements?
These and other key questions will be the focus of discussions during the international expert talk, which is organized by GIZ on January 16-17 on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ).
Participating experts from German as well as from international organisations and institutions (political, economic, public, TVET) are involved to share their different perspectives.
Keynote speeches, impulses, panel discussions and working groups will provide opportunities to exchange experiences regarding existing and envisaged approaches with the aim to derive new strategies and recommended interventions.
The event will be broadcasted live over: (livestream available as of Jan 16 2019)
Further information concerning the international expert talk (e.g. agenda, registration form) are available on request:
Dr. Harry Stolte
Academy for International Cooperation
Human Capacity Development (HCD) for TVET / UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg
Head of Section
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Symposium on "4th Industrial Revolution - change requirements for TVET"
11 / 12 October UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg will conduct a symposium on: “4th Industrial Revolution change requirements for TVET”
in Magdeburg at the Virtual Development and Training Centre (VDTC) of Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF