Minister of Education of the Republic of Moldova signs the Curriculum for examination of instructor qualification
The Moldavian Minister of Education Dr. Mihail Sleahtitchi and and the president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Gheorghe Cucu signed the curriculum for the preparation for the examination of instructor qualification which was developed in the framework of the project by the German Foreign Ministry "Support of the competencies of instructors in the Republic of Moldova." Since 2009 the GIZ...
International Expert Meeting Transforming TVET for Meeting the Challenges of the Green Economy
The UNEVOC International Centre Bonn and the GIZ organized the International Experts Meeting on "Transforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to Meet the Challenges of the Green Economy" in Bonn on October 27-30, 2011. Here you will find some impressions of the conference: video.
IC EDUCON DELEGATES SET NEXTGEN IMPERATIVES 2011, Quad-partite organizers successfully organize Intl Conference on Preparing TVET Educators for the Next Generation
Over 200 delegates from more than 25 countries from the Asia Pacific region, Europe, Canada, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and US gathered for the “International Conference on Preparing TVET Educators for the Next Generation (EDUCON 2011)”. Through the 2-day Conference, the delegates appreciated the significance of the role...
Official opening of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg
In an official launching ceremony in the City Hall on September 16th 2010, the new „UNEVOC Centre TVET for Sustainable Development“ Magdeburg was opened. As sustainable development processes become ever more complex, the three Magdeburg institutions InWEnt gGmbH, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF...
Action Day on TVET for Sustainable Development, September 21st 2010: TVET and Climate Protection
As a part of the regional week on „Education for Sustainable Development“, InWEnt Saxony-Anhalt organized this year´s action day on TVET with a special focus on “TVET and climate protection” in cooperation with Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, the Foundation on Environmental and Climate Protection and the Ministries of Education and Culture and of Agriculture and Environment of Saxony-Anhalt. 76 representatives of regional ministries, enterprises, public schools, private education providers, research institutions and associations participated...